Dr.Gloria Galbiati veterinary doctor, practices for over 15 years on small animals, deepening the study of the ultrasound technique. Dr Gloria Galbiati promotes appropriate interacting behaviour with dogs by leading conference in schools and community events. President of NOAH association, she has been in the first line in researching and practicing the Life Quality Method.
Dr. Massimo Festa, veterinary Doctor, has chosen to deviate from the natural carrier of his university studies, and worked in supporting people with disabilities. Since 2008, Dr Festa is the President and Director of the Cooperativa Sociale Fabula Onlus. Today he covers the role of VP of Consorzio SiR with Life Quality delegation and VP of Fracta Limina Foundation. Dr Festa started the research of the application of the human health studies on animals and run the pilot project on Dog Quality of life.
Dr Manuela Michelazzi, Veterinary Doctor, focus area on applied ethology and animal welfare, certified at the European college of behavioural medicine, welfare director of Milan kennel, covers the role of VP of Veterinary doctors Order of Milan. Dr Michelazzi practices at the veterinary clinic for small animal behavioural issues of the university of Milan.
Prof, Luigi Croce, Doctor in Psychiatric and Psicotherapy, professor of Child Neuropsychiatry at Università Cattolica in Milan, acts as coordinator of the Scientific committee of National ANFFAS. Dr. Croce is a consultant for the improvement of public and private services for mentally disabled children, and practices at the Domino Center for Autism in Milan. Dr Croce devolves time in training professionals all around Italy and takes part in several international researches. Dr. Croce has many publicationson Quality of Life, and he can be considered one of the most important expert of the Quality of life in the world.