Via San Paolo 3 , Agrate Brianza, MB Italy
+39 349 28 03 466

What is NOAH?

Noah aims to improve the quality of life of animals.

Through their behaviour and interaction with nature, humans have responsibility for the welfare of all animals; whatever domesticated, wild or farmed.

There are many different ideas and beliefs around the broader notion of quality of life.

We define Quality of Life as a multidimensional phenomenon composed of eight core domains influenced by individual characteristics and enviromental factors.

There are eight key factors:

  • Physical welfare
  • Wealth
  • Emotional welfare
  • Self determination
  • Personal devolepment
  • Inter-personal Relationships
  • Social inclusion
  • Animal Rights and law

Analysis of these eight domains is based on key indicators. Through the observation of various parameters (physiologic, pathologic, reproductive, ethologic, environmental, the link between human and animal and the management) we can measure key indicators, that reveal the domain status.  

Our approach is Scientific, Ecological, Holistic, and Pragmatic.

Scientific: our theory is based on scientific research and not on common beliefs. The approach is the product of expertise in areas of human psychology and behaviours and animal behaviours and ethology.

Ecological: all living creatures are part of a complex ecosystem and they must be studied in relationship to their environment.

Holistic: we go beyond physical health. We consider emotional and mental health as paramount of quality of life.   Pragmatic: we know that we are still at the infancy of a full concept of animal quality of life. Each journey starts with a small step and we are proud of the steps we are taking.